Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ)
Marjolaine Perreault, Executive Director
“Our workplace campaign is fully integrated into our communications strategy and employees are very engaged. There is no doubt that the causes supported by HealthPartners are important and employees are very supportive of them.”
Putting our values into action – Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ)
Why did the Centrale des syndicats du Québec decide to host a HealthPartners workplace campaign?
We think it’s important that our organization and our employees are able to contribute to helping the lives of those who need it. Given our organization’s mandate, our employees are particularly attuned to societal issues. Hosting this Workplace Giving Campaign was a concrete way of helping us and our employees give back.
Why did you choose HealthPartners as the beneficiary of your campaign?
The variety and number of causes that HealthPartners supports meets the various health concerns of our employees. HealthPartners gives us the opportunity to plan out our campaigns year after year with different events which ensures the continuity of donations and employee engagement.
“Our workplace campaign is fully integrated into our communications strategy and employees are very engaged. There is no doubt that the causes supported by HealthPartners are important and employees are very supportive of them.”
Marjolaine Perreault, Executive Director, Centrale des syndicats du Québec
How do your employees perceive this Workplace Giving Campaign?
We have integrated this campaign into our yearly strategic planning to make it a unifying event with many activities for employee engagement. We have also created internal communication materials that showcase the health charities we support and the impact of our donations.
When we onboard new employees, we introduce our campaign and the health charities we support. Today, our workplace campaign is fully integrated into our communications strategy and employees are very engaged. There is no doubt that the causes supported by HealthPartners are important and employees are very supportive of them.
How has your Workplace Giving Campaign impacted your organization’s reputation?
As a union organization, our employees already have an interest for societal causes, and a particular affinity to various health issues. This campaign represents the values of our people and of our organization. Our employees appreciate the significance of this campaign and it gives us an opportunity to put their values into action.