Our Members
HealthPartners’ members are 17 health charities that serve Canadians from coast to coast to coast, delivering supports to patients and caregivers and funding life-changing research. HealthPartners informs its members the province of origin of donations they receive, and members commit to using those donations to serve residents of that province. Donations made in Quebec go to support the Quebec division of these national organizations, with the one exception that donations made in respect of diabetes are given to Diabetes Quebec as Diabetes Canada does not operate in Quebec.

ALS Society of Canada
The ALS Society of Canada is dedicated to supporting research towards a cure or effective treatment for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The Society funds research into the cause and cure, promotes education and awareness, and provides patient, family and caregiver support. This disease affects approximately 3,000 Canadians.
Information: 1-800-267-4257 or www.als.ca

Alzheimer Society of Canada
Today, more than 700,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. This number is expected to top 1.4 million by 2031. While age remains the biggest risk factor, dementia can occur in people as early as age 40. A cure has yet to be found but early diagnosis can help families living with dementia make the most of available treatments and support. The Alzheimer Society offers a range of programs and services, including education, support and counseling at every stage of the disease, and across Canada.
Information: 1-800-616-8816 or www.alzheimer.ca
General inquiries: info@alzheimer.ca

Arthritis Society Canada
The Arthritis Society is Canada’s primary not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing and promoting arthritis education, community support and research-based solutions, to more than 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis. Since its inception in 1948, the Society has contributed approximately $185 million towards arthritis research to develop better treatments and to ultimately find a cure for this debilitating disease.
Information: 1-800-321-1433 or www.arthritis.ca

Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Cancer Society is a community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and enhancing the quality of life of people living with cancer. The Society funds medical research, patient services and public education. One in four Canadians will die of cancer according to 2013 statistics.
Information: 1-888-939-3333 or www.cancer.ca
General inquiries: info@cis.cancer.ca
Canadian Hemophilia Society
The Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS) exists to improve the quality of life for all persons with inherited bleeding disorders. The CHS is dedicated to raising public awareness about the prevalence of bleeding disorders, providing information and support, ensuring that proper diagnosis and treatment are available, funding research to improve the quality of life for patients and eventually to find a cure.
Information: 1-800-668-2686 or www.hemophilia.ca
General Inquiries: chs@hemophilia.ca
Canadian Liver Foundation
Over 3 million Canadians are affected by liver disease and countless more are at risk of developing liver disease during their lifetime. The Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) represents the liver health interests of all Canadians by supporting research, public and professional education and advocating for better prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Through our LIVERight initiative, the CLF is striving to reduce the incidence of preventable forms of liver disease by raising awareness of risk factors and providing practical tools and information to help Canadians safeguard their liver health in daily life.
Information: 1-800-563-5483 or www.liver.ca
General Inquiries: clf@liver.ca
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada is the only national, volunteer-based charity focused on finding the cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease) and improving the lives of children and adults affected by these diseases. Currently, 270,000 Canadians live with Crohn’s or colitis—a number that will exceed 400,000 by 2030. We are transforming their lives through research, patient programs, advocacy, and awareness.
Information: 1-800-387-1479 or crohnsandcolitis.ca
General Inquiries: support@crohnsandcolitis.ca
Cystic Fibrosis Canada
Cystic Fibrosis Canada is dedicated to finding a cure or control for cystic fibrosis (CF), an inherited, fatal disorder affecting the lungs and digestive system. Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s programs have contributed to dramatic improvements in survival of Canadians with CF. In the 1960s, most children with cystic fibrosis did not live long enough to attend kindergarten; today, half of all Canadians with CF are expected to live into their 40s and beyond.
Information:1-800-378-2233 or www.cysticfibrosis.ca
General inquiries: info@cysticfibrosis.ca
Diabetes Canada
Diabetes Canada is a volunteer-based organization promoting the health of Canadians through diabetes research, education, service and advocacy. Diabetes can slowly damage blood vessels in the body, resulting in serious complications, such as heart disease, blindness, kidney disease, and nerve damage. Over nine million Canadians are living with diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Information: 1-800-226-8464 or www.diabetes.ca
General inquiries: info@diabetes.ca
Diabetes Quebec
Diabetes Québec, a non-profit association, has been helping people with diabetes, their families and the health professionals who care for them. Our mission is to support people living with diabetes to improve their well-being.
Phone: 514-259-3422 or www.diabete.qc.ca/en/
General inquiries: infodiabete@diabete.qc.ca
Heart & Stroke
Heart & Stroke is dedicated to reducing the incidence of disability and death resulting from heart disease and stroke. Heart disease and stroke are two of the three leading causes of death in Canada. The Foundation works to reduce this number through research, education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
Information: 1-888-473-4636 or www.heartandstroke.ca
Huntington Society of Canada
The Huntington Society of Canada seeks to find a meaningful treatment for people with Huntington disease through research, services and education. Huntington is an inherited fatal brain disorder causing symptoms ranging from uncontrollable movements to mental deterioration. It affects the life of one in every 7000 Canadians.
Information: 1-800-998-7398 or www.huntingtonsociety.ca
General inquiries: info@huntingtonsociety.ca
Kidney Foundation of Canada
The Kidney Foundation of Canada is dedicated to kidney health and improved lives for all people affected by kidney disease. The Kidney Foundation reduces the burden of kidney disease by funding and stimulating innovative research, by providing education and support, and by promoting kidney health, organ donation and access to quality healthcare.
Information: 1-800-361-7494 or www.kidney.ca
Canadian Lung Association
The Lung Association is one of Canada’s oldest voluntary associations with its roots in the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Today, it fights respiratory diseases of all types through research and programs such as smoking prevention and cessation, asthma education and clean air promotion. Over three million Canadians suffer from one of five serious respiratory diseases.
Information: 1-888-566-LUNG or www.lung.ca
General Inquiries: info@lung.ca
Mental Health Commission of Canada
The Mental Health Commission of Canada is dedicated to improving mental health outcomes for all people in Canada. The Mental Health Commission delivers meaningful change through the development and dissemination of innovative programs and tools, and through initiatives that support people in their communities. Research and policy work addresses gaps in Canada’s mental health services to provide better outcomes for all.
Information: 613-683-3755 or www.mentalhealthcommission.ca
Muscular Dystrophy Canada
Muscular Dystrophy Canada is a national registered charity that acts as a supporter to over 50,000 Canadians with neuromuscular disorders and a leader in the fight against more than 100 neuromuscular disorders. Muscular Dystrophy Canada provides equipment and peer support services, advocates for changes in national social policy, creates awareness through public education, and funds principal research to find therapies, treatments and cures for neuromuscular disorders.
Information: 1-866-MUSCLE-8 or www.muscle.ca
General inquiries: info@muscle.ca
Multiple Sclerosis Canada
Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. Over 77,000 Canadians live with MS. On average, 11 Canadians are diagnosed with the disease every day. The average unemployment rate for people living with MS is 60 percent. In fact, accessing income support and medical care are the greatest barriers to quality of life for those affected by this disease.
THEN: Multiple sclerosis was recognized as a distinct disease in 1868, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that theories about its cause were made.
Enter MS Canada.
NOW: Thanks to the Society’s research focus, progress is being made on a number of fronts, including the cause, promising therapies, nerve repair and risk factors. Advocacy, self-help groups, symptom management and physical activity programs are designated to help people with MS live well.
Parkinson Canada
Parkinson Canada, through 10 regional partners and 240 chapters and support groups, provides education, support, advocacy on behalf of over 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson’s. Funding innovative research helps expand knowledge on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s and will ultimately lead to a cure.
Information: 1-800-565-3000 or www.parkinson.ca.