Audray Metcalfe
Meet Audray Metcalfe. Audray lives with cystic fibrosis.
Audray Metcalfe was four years old when she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a fatal degenerative disease that mainly affects the lungs and digestive system. Today, she’s proud to be almost 30. “At the time, there weren’t many adults with cystic fibrosis and so my chances of reaching adulthood were rather slim,” says Audray. Doctors told her parents that their little girl probably wouldn’t make it to age 20. Clearly, Audray proved them wrong.
“I’m lucky. I have a good support system. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 12 years and he’s my rock. I never thought I would have the life I have and I feel really privileged. I think I’m proof of the relevance of cystic fibrosis research.”
Audray’s dream of working in television took shape after a visit to the Radio-Canada studios at age 13. “It really helped to have this dream, because when your daily life is a battle, like mine is, having goals and aspirations is really important. Today, I’m proud to say that I’ve been working in television for 10 years,” says Audray.
“I can’t work full-time anymore so I work part-time, which makes it psychologically and financially tougher. Every breath I take reminds me that I’m sick. Still, I can set smaller, more achievable goals to be happy. My name is Audray Metcalfe and I am living proof that donating to HealthPartners works.”
“I’m 29 years old, almost 30, and I’m really proud of my age. For me, getting old is a real privilege. I’m thankful for every extra second I have, seconds that wouldn’t be possible without research.”
audray metcalfe
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