How We Help
Your donation saves lives and contributes to the health of people in Canada.
At some point in their lives, 9 out of 10 people in Canada are likely to be affected by one or more of the major illnesses our charities are working to eradicate.
1 in 12 people in Canada
lives with a rare disease
2 in 5 people in Canada
will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
1 in 4 people in Canada
will die from cancer
Yet Canada’s healthcare system has never been under greater pressure.
Health charities need our help. Which is where HealthPartners comes in. HealthPartners is the sole organization in Canada raising funds for nation-wide health charities through workplace giving. Together with our donors and volunteers, we’ve raised over $200 million for Canada’s most-trusted charities.
Your donation directly supports life-changing research and a wide range of programs and services that benefit millions of people in Canada from coast to coast.
We help keep researchers on the cutting edge of fighting disease, discovering treatments and cures for over 400 chronic diseases and exploring those we might face in the future.
Support Services
We help enhance the quality of life for families in Canada living with chronic disease, like wigs for cancer patients, counselling for families, equipment loans, and support programs for caregivers.
We help develop educational tools for disease management, prevention, treatment, and caregiving. Plus, awareness campaigns break the stigma and encourage early diagnosis.
We help reduce barriers by improving accessibility, developing disease prevention strategies and partnering with governments to create a healthier Canada.