How HealthPartners Shares Donations

HealthPartners values every dollar Canadians donate to us and takes pride in its role as fiduciary of those donations. Donations are shared with our 17 members according to our Revenue Sharing Policy described below. We also report annually to members which campaigns and provinces donations came from so they can respect any specific requirements of the campaign as to where donations are spent. 

HealthPartners raises funds from annual workplace charitable campaigns and distributes the net proceeds to its members quarterly.

HealthPartners respects the direction of donors, whether they designate their donation to one member charity, several member charities, or designate HealthPartners to distribute among its member charities using a Shared Fund Formula. The image below describes how money given to HealthPartners is shared via equitable designation, while money given to a HealthPartners’ member is given directly to that member.

In rare cases, employers hosting a workplace charitable campaign offer employees the choice to give to non-health related charitable organizations (e.g. disaster relief), for which transactions HealthPartners charges a 5% administrative fee. In some cases, workplaces require that the funds be dispersed within the province the funds are raised, in which case HealthPartners reports funds raised in that province for that member, who is expected to comply with this requirement. 

All donations received and disbursements made to members are disclosed in HealthPartners’ Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements. Any questions can be directed to